Direct Access Colonoscopy

Direct Access Colonoscopy

Simple. Convenient. Innovative.

45 is the recommended age to begin colon screenings
1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer
Colon Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer realted deaths in the U.S.
25 million people have not been screened for colon cancer
60% of colon cancer deaths could be prevented with screening


Direct Access Colonoscopy is a great fit for today's busy lifestyles, scheduling a screening colonoscopy has never been easier. The Direct Access Colonoscopy program is a simple and convenient option for healthy patients to have a routine screening colonoscopy at Gastroenterology Associates of Gainesville's Endoscopy Centers with no prior GI consultation required.
Please view our video to find out what Gastroenterologist Dr. Sheraj Jacob has to say about Gastroenterology Associates of Gainesville's Direct Access Colonoscopy Program.


  • Healthy asymptomatic patients, aged 50 or older with average risk of colon cancer (no family history of colon cancer/polyps) who have never had a screening colonoscopy
  • Healthy African American patients, aged 45 or older with average risk of colon cancer (no family history of colon cancer/polyps) who have never had a screening colonoscopy
  • Healthy asymptomatic patients, aged 40 or 10 years before the youngest case of  a first degree family member with a history of colon cancer or adenomatous colon polyps  who have never had a screening colonoscopy
  • Healthy asymptomatic patients, who have a personal history of colon polyps who need to repeat a screening colonoscopy


Direct Access was devolved to allow healthy asymptomatic patients a more accessible option to complete their screening colonoscopy. To be eligible, patients must be less than 75 years of age and be in generally good health.  If a patient has any of the conditions listed below it is recommended they complete an in office GI consultation with one of our Board-Certified Gastroenterologists prior to undergoing an endoscopy procedure.
- Gastrointestinal symptoms (constipation, diarrhea, bleeding, bloating, etc.)
- Body Mass Index over 45
- Oxygen dependent
- On antiplatelet therapy
- On blood thinners
- Have a defibrillator
- Stent placed in last year


Ready to Schedule Your Direct Access Colonoscopy?

If you feel you are a good candidate for this program, simply complete one of the form options below, and submit it. After the form is reviewed by one of our Board-Certified Gastroenterologists, you will be contacted within 10 business days to schedule the colonoscopy. Should you have any questions regarding the Direct Access Colonoscopy program, please contact our office at 770-536-8109.
Please be advised that you will be considered a patient of this practice only after you have been evaluated by one of our physicians in our office or our endoscopy center.  Neither the submission of any registration documents, nor the scheduling of an initial appointment, establishes that you are a patient of this practice. In addition, the answers provided on his questionnaire  will be used to determine your appropriate plan of care and will become part of your permanent medical record. Please make sure all submitted information is accurate to the best of your knowledge.


If you have additional questions, please contact us at 770-536-8109 our associates will be happy to assist you.


Gastroenterology Associates Pathology Department
Our compliance with the National Patient Safety Goals
   was validated by the Joint Commission in January 2019